A Guy on the Internet Has Potentially Revolutionized the Sandwich Game Forever With a New Cutting Method

Shoutout to Ryan Duff, a man who may have changed an industry that has been desperately seeking a real breakthrough for decades.

Everyone is trying to do too much in the sandwich game these days. Every restaurant you go to wants to have doughnuts for burger buns or top every sandwich with artisanal coleslaw and edible flowers. Meanwhile, the true sandwich innovation was something this simple.

It's taken 2,024 years since the birth of Christ for someone to figure out how to perfectly cut a sandwich. I'm sure someone in human history has done something similar to this before, but we are giving Ryan credit for the Tri-Cut™️, as he is the first one (to my knowledge) to bring this to the masses.

Everything about this is incredible. The top piece resembles more of a pizza slice, giving you a little more middle before you reach the crust. But those other two pieces are heavenly. Two perfect right angles of crust with a nice meaty bite in the middle of each, as well. This is what perfection looks like.

There's also the added benefit of having three pieces instead of two. I understand that it is the same amount of sandwich, but by the looks of it, I'm not actually entirely convinced. There is somehow more sandwich there.

The whole thing is just perfect. Credit to Ryan for undoubtedly changing the lives of many for the better.

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